World’s Longest Hangover lasted for 4 whole weeks, consumed 60 bottles crazy right ?
A 37-year-old man visited a hospital in Scotland complaining of a dull headache and blurred vision. His symptoms had been bothering him for a month, but he didn’t know what to do.
Doctors worked hard to determine the cause. After ruling out head trauma and infection and obtaining a clear CT scan of the patient, doctors attempted a lumbar puncture and discovered pressure around the patient’s brain.
After the man revealed he had been drinking an estimated 60 pints of beer over several days, blood tests revealed elevated levels of lupus anticoagulants, leading doctors to believe the binge was linked to an autoimmune disease. I suspected that it was causing the disease.
He was hungover for 4 weeks!
The role of the Ethanol in the Human body
What is ethanol ? In simple language it a clear, colorless and odorless liquid formed from the yeast bacteria used during fermentation when making the alcoholic beverage. That was gives the blurry vision and the body gets numb. All the alcoholic beverages which are made for example beer from wheat and hops, wine from grapes, whiskey from grains, all this content has sugar into it. This sugar is consumed by the yeast and alcohol produced.
Alcohol has many effects on the body when you start drinking. Alcohol starts its action as soon as it touches yout pallets and when you swallow as sooner as possible. More the sips the person starts too feel dizzy.
What happens on your Pallet ?
When the sip is taken some of the alcohol particles gets absorbed into the tiny vessels in the mouth itself and rest of it gets swallowed.
What happens in your small intestine and stomach?
Along with the alcohol food is consumed the alcohol gets stuck on the food. If there is no food present it will direct proceed into your blood sooner as possible and you will start feeling the alcohol effect.
What happens in your bloodstreams ?
This is the place where the things get complex and hazard may be created when there is excess consumption of alcohol. The blood flowing in your body has a faster pace, more quicker your body will start feeling the effect. When the alcohol enters into the blood stream it widens your blood vessels that will effect into symptoms like skin flushing, feeling of warmness, a gradual drop in blood pressure and a drastic decrease in the body temperature.
What happens in your Brain and Nervous System ?
Alcohol can make you feel down quickly. It require only less than 5 minutes to enter into your brain. Within the next 5-10 minutes you will completely start feeling high.
When alcohol content starts to increase on the body sooner you will start feeling a sensation and a feeling of Cherishes. Suddenly there would be boost in the confidence level , sudden happiness and less inhibited.
This occurs because alcohol starts to stimulate the chemical in the brain called dopamine and serotonin, also called as feel good hormones.
As the alcohol consumption rises the person will start feeling the experience of more physical aspects. The reason behind is because alcohol hijacks your CNS (Central Nervous System) and creates interfere with your brain. This cause symptoms like blurry vision, loss of control and coordination, difficulties in conversation and numbness.
What happens in your Kidney ?
Oftently you must have seen people getting drunk pee a lot. The reason behind is due to alcohol get suppressed ADH (Antidiuretics Hormone) it triggers the kidney to let out water. Peeing a lot can make you feel dehydrated and can make you feel more drunk.
What happens in your lungs ?
Some of the alcohol content get into your lungs via blood stream. That causes your breath to start giving a foal smell.
What happens in your liver ?
Every liver has the capacity to digest the alcohol. Every average person can digest only one standard drink per hour, so drinkers be careful. The liver metabolizes the alcohol, so more you keep on drinking in very short while will result into high level of alcohol present in the blood and can also lead to alcohol poisoning.
Conclusion – The more you consume alcohol the more you invite the risk and hazard to your body. Since its a chemical the law states that every chemical has its opposite reaction which can turn over to hang over consuming 60 bottles of bear and can lead to worlds longest hangover for 4 weeks. Drink responsibly, don’t drink & drive.
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[…] World’s Longest Hangover – Lasted for 4 whole weeks, 60 bottles down […]
[…] World’s Longest Hangover – Lasted for 4 whole weeks, 60 bottles down […]